Unparalleled and carefree > 자유게시판

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Unparalleled and carefree

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작성자 Roksana 댓글 0건 조회 39회 작성일 23-02-13 09:18


So back and forth for nearly an hour, not to mention a round of seven stars, two rounds of seven stars have been brushed. Three people are clearly the first time to cooperate, Hanjiang Yueer also said that somehow played the swordsman to understand the skills of the swordsman, light blue and elegant and night Walker but completely unrelated two professions, unexpectedly nearly an hour of fighting back and forth, there has not been a phenomenon of stopping because of the cooling of skills at the same time. Sometimes laugh at the world also feel funny, those famous people on the PK list, fighting consciousness is always amazing, just two or three times, he can understand that you will be the enemy, or not enough to mention, or the best partner. These three people, a previous life is the gang fort ten thousand people beheaded, a containment interception when the killer to eat, a city battle chariot, are first-class combat players, casually a few words to make do with the pre-war discussion, casually a few concise words in the battle, can clearly understand the effect that the other side wants,Flush valve price, and the effect that they can do. No matter how skilled the operation is, no matter how skilled the game is, consciousness can not be honed overnight. Xiao Tianxia knows that these are things he doesn't have, so he doesn't insist on them. He always believes that there are things that others can do and he can't do, and there are things that he can do and others can't do. Such as negotiating with people, such as helping Yue Xiaoyao to clean up the mess left behind. Xiang Liu's blood has dropped below one third, but the three men's battle has entered a tired posture. Constantly calculating the number of seconds and the use of skills,Flushometer valve, but also frequently jumping back and forth in the first and second partitions, tired, everyone is tired. Look at that huge hydra tail guy, rare blood left only 30 thousand, had to cheer up and continue to fight. But obviously, the operation of light blue and elegant has begun to slow down, put a skill, even had to be stunned for 2 seconds to remember whether to drink blue medicine or continue to cast spells. 2 seconds. How fatal it is in a game where skills are read in seconds. Just when she was a little stunned, the effect of lethargy and immobilization did not catch up. Nightcrawler, as the main attacker, suffered most of the hatred of Xiangliu. He was patted twice by it in a row and drank a bottle of bright red to keep the health bar on the horizontal line. To make matters worse, next, there is no negative state to control the monster. Nightcrawler can't jump back to the second partition without leaving the battlefield. Pale blue and elegant is not in the body of Xiangliu hatred, so not attacked, Stainless Steel Trough Urinal ,stainless steel squatting pan, but also stay in place, do not know what to do. [Team] Hanjiang Yueer: Blue, come back! The command in the city battle is a guiding flag for those players who don't know what to do. Now the pale blue and elegant see the cold river moon this sentence, no doubt saw the penetrating light in the fog, also did not think what the meaning of the instructions, directly jumped back to the second partition. For the first time, Hanjiang Yueer, who had been standing in the second partition to attack, changed her position to Nightcrawler's side for the first time. [Team] Nightcrawler: Dou? Take a woolen bag, and lead it to the floating one. [Team] Hanjiang Yueer: You are ready to jump back. Then he turned his hands over and made the action of casting a spell. He's standing too close to the target for the bow to work. Nightcrawler didn't know what he was running to do, but suddenly he saw the skill prompt of the system in the team channel. [Team] Teammate "Hanjiang Yueer" uses "Poisonous Fog" to deal 1455 damage to the target Xiangliu. Poisonous fog all over the sky is Qingxinju, that is, the skill of the wet nurse. Doctors have always been first-class in attracting hatred, so although the damage is not high, Xiangliu immediately shifted the target to Hanjiang Yueer. Nightcrawler had already made up his mind that he might die here today, and as soon as he saw that the situation had changed, he was eager to jump back to the safe second partition. But when I finished the dance, I remembered again-could it be that this crispy little wizard was going to carry the monster on his own? [Team] Dan Lan Qingya: How does he know the skills of a wet nurse? Those who have been looking on laughed all over the world. [Team] Laugh at the world: Skill roll, the fun thing that can only be used once. He used to love it. Laugh at the world said before, of course, refers to the moon. But Nightcrawler and Pale Blue Qingya were watching the battle, and no one noticed anything wrong. [Team] Nightcrawler: How long will you be cold? [Team] Light Blue Elegant: 15.
[Team] Nightcrawler: I'm still 45, ***! [Team] Nightcrawler: Anyway, I'll take his place first. He can't carry it for long. At the worst, it can only be a human wheel war. [Team] Dan Lan Qingya: It's all right for you to say that you can grab the hatred with two pokes. How can we grab the hatred with you! [Team] Nightcrawler:.. As soon as his voice fell, he saw a flash of white light in front of him. Before he could see what was going on, Xiangliu's spirit, which had been killing more and more happily, suddenly gathered up, and the whole huge body collapsed slowly. The tail of the snake was still spread out on the platform, but the body hung outside the mountain wall. At the same time, there is a world system announcement. "The laughing world and the warriors succeeded in killing the guardian of the left envoy" Xiangliu ", and the cave on the stone wall was half open." [Team] Laugh at the world:.. So shall we continue to kill the right envoys? [Team] Nightcrawler: What did you just do? [Team] Pale Blue Elegant: Mage's Mirror Shield Reflection Bar. This is the suicide bomber. Hanjiang Yueer did not care about the two of them, but he habitually ran over to touch the body of Comrade Xiangliu happily. The so-called red can not be red for a lifetime, everyone has stepped on dog shit, not dog shit luck. Hanjiang Moon touched, angry, in the team channel to send out the booty, but also added a furious expression. [Team] Hanjiang Yueer shows { snakehead }. [Team] Nightcrawler:.. Soak wine? [Team] Light blue and elegant: = = After Xiang Liu is killed, it is much easier to float. It is nothing more than a variety of States, is an auxiliary monster, so independence can not become a climate, just like the little kid hiding behind the king of children, his mouth is also chirping "dare to come over and kill you, dare to come over and kill you",Service Sink Faucets, in fact, the tiger was killed first, the fox shrank there. cnkexin.com
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