Great Desert-Gulong _ txt Novel Paradise > 자유게시판

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Great Desert-Gulong _ txt Novel Paradise

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작성자 Burrell 댓글 0건 조회 50회 작성일 23-02-14 12:23


Szeto Meteor said, "I quietly went around to the back of the tent, just because there were a few horses there, and the neigh of the horses could cover up some of my actions." Hu Tiehuazhang said with a smile, "You really deserve to be a famous chivalrous thief in the Central Plains. You are really experienced in your actions." Szeto Meteor blushed and said, "Now I'm lying on the ground and quietly lifting the tent. Inside, besides Du Huan, there are two nobles of Qiuci with golden crowns and brocade robes, and a Han Chinese with a gloomy face." Ji Bingyan glanced at Chu Liuxiang. Chu Liuxiang frowned and said, "Are there still Han Chinese involved in this rebellion in Qiuci?" "The three men took the arrow from the table," said Szeto Meteor. "There was a note on the arrow. The Qiuci man looked at it. He must have understood Chinese, but he couldn't read Chinese characters. So he gave the note to the old man with a gloomy face and asked him to read out the words on the note." Hu Tiehua said with a smile, "If it weren't for that, you wouldn't know what it says. It seems you're lucky." "I heard the old man say aloud," The Star of Bliss is already in my hand, "said Szeto Meteor." If you want to get it,garden jacuzzi tub, go fifty Li to the northeast with five thousand taels of gold, five hundred pearls, and fifty pieces of jade, and exchange it with me. If you are not sincere, this thing will be returned to the hand of the King of Qiuci. " "In the middle of his reading, the three of Chu Liuxiang were all moved by it.". Hu Tiehua shouted, "Good boy,endless swimming pool, you want to do business at both ends. Could it be that the Star of Bliss is with the Kingdom of Qiuci.." Ji Bingyan immediately interrupted him and said coldly, "What did the two Qiuci people say after hearing this?" "Their faces changed immediately," said Szeto Meteor. "Just then, the three men who had gone out to chase them had come back. Instead of mentioning it, the men in the tent quietly hid the note." "Have you caught up with the pursuer?" Asked Hu Tiehua. Szeto Meteor smiled and said, "I didn't chase him. One of them, who looked like a monkey, kept cursing, saying that the horse must be a ghost horse, otherwise he would have caught up with him even if he was sleeping." Hu Tiehua laughed and said, "Monkey Sun pretends to be highly skilled in flying, outdoor whirlpool tub ,endless pool swim spa, but this time he fell on a horse. Naturally, he's going to be mad." "I knew this man must be a master," said Szeto Meteor. "I was worried because I was afraid he would find out. Fortunately, after they discussed it for a while, this monkey Sun brought Du Huan and three others to assassinate him." Ji Bingyan said coldly, "If you knew they were coming to assassinate you, why didn't you call the police?" Szeto said with a smile, "I know there are three of them here. Even if there are ten times more of them, they can't succeed. So I want to stay there and listen to why this star of bliss is so valuable." "I can't believe you think highly of us," said Hu Tiehua with a smile. Szeto Meteor said, "As soon as these four men left, the two Qiuci men immediately began to argue with the Han man. One said that they should immediately go to prepare the Pearl King Bi to trade with the man, but the other said that the conditions were harsh. The value of the Star of Bliss may not really be so great. They should wait and see what happens so as not to be taken in." Chu Liuxiang and Ji Bingyan looked at each other. Although they did not speak, they already knew each other's three people in their hearts. Until now, they had not known the secret of the Star of Bliss. That's why they were worried about gains and losses and struggled. They were afraid of being cheated to exchange, and they were afraid that it would really be very beneficial to the King of Qiuci if they did not exchange. Szeto Meteor went on to say, "I was wondering why these people were so important to a mere gem, but at that moment, someone patted me on the shoulder." By this time, his face had shown the color of fear, as if the lingering palpitations were still there, and he wiped the sweat on his head before he sighed and said: "I started my career when I was young. I'm not very good at martial arts, but I can't help doing this kind of business. Who knows that this man has come behind me, but I don't even know the shadow." Chu Liuxiang was moved and said, "I didn't expect that besides Sun Kong, there is such a master here." Szeto Meteor said, "My surprise was really not petty. When I turned around, the man was more than ten feet away and was waving to me. I knew I couldn't go, so I had to bite the bullet and walk over.." With a cold sweat streaming down his head, he said with a wry smile, "When I see this man's face, I realize that my life is really saved.".
"" What do you mean? "Asked Ji Bingyan. Szeto Meteor sighed, "If this man hadn't met me once in the past, he would never be alive to meet you again." "So he let you go," said Hu Tiehua. "To tell you the truth," said Szeto Meteor, "I met this man two years ago when I was working a case in Luoyang. Fortunately, I did it to save the lives of a family of orphans and widows. That's why he let me go. This man is acting strangely. As long as he lets you go once,whirlpool hot tub, he will never hurt you even if you offend him." "This boy is really a hero," said Hu Tiehua. Ji Bingyan frowned and said, "Is this man also invited by the Qiuci rebels to be an assassin?" "Exactly!" Szeto Meteor sighed. "Who on earth is he?" Asked Ji Bingyan. 。
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