Glacier Washing Sword Record > 자유게시판

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13th 유네스코 세계문화유산


Glacier Washing Sword Record

페이지 정보

작성자 Burrell 댓글 0건 조회 181회 작성일 23-02-14 12:25


The woman as if in a dream, can not believe that this is true, staring at Gu Zhonglian, for a moment, can not say. After. "Well," said Gu Zhonglian, "I'll touch their acupoints first, and then I'll ask my mother to dispose of them." Of course, the ability of the two warriors was much stronger than that of the palace maids, and the lotus in the valley was at a distance of ten feet away, using a point in the air. When they touched his acupoint, they just felt sore and numb, but they didn't fall down. One held a knife, the other held a sword, and they stumbled. Run to come over, scold greatly: "sorceress, what sorcery method do you use?". Take my knife, take my sword! The woman suddenly shouted: "You want to kill me, not my daughter!" " It's too late, it's too late, those two When the warrior rushed up to him, Gu Zhonglian said with a smile, "Mother, don't be afraid!" At this time, the distance was close, and she added a few more efforts. Pointed two fingers: "How can those two samurai still be able to endure?"? They all fell down immediately! When the woman saw that Gu Zhonglian was so capable,outdoor whirlpool, she couldn't help but be surprised and delighted, and couldn't believe it. Gu Zhonglian ordered the two Wu. When she was asleep, she opened her arms and ran to her mother, shouting, "Mother, my daughter is back!" The woman collected herself and asked doubtfully, "Are you really my Longma?" Gu Zhonglian took out the parchment book. "Mother, look at this," he said. Only then did the woman believe that Gu Zhonglian was her daughter, and the two mothers and daughters hugged each other tightly and wept. It rains like rain. After a while,endless pool factory, the woman stopped her tears, gently stroked Gu Zhonglian's hair, and said, "I look forward to it day and night." I'm finally looking forward to you. My child, I will never let you leave me again. "Don't worry, mother," said Gu Zhonglian. "I won't leave you for a moment. I'll never allow a good man to harm you." She was To assassinate the king, but now that mother and daughter meet, protecting her mother is more important than anything else, Gu Zhonglian has to take revenge temporarily. Put down, accompany her mother, her heart is very excited, thousands of words, I do not know where to start. "Are these men dead?" Asked the woman. "No," said Gu Zhonglian. "They all gave their daughters acupuncture points. Temporarily unconscious. "I'm afraid," said the woman. "Yes," said Gu Zhonglian, "when our mother and daughter get together, outdoor spa manufacturers ,endless swimming pool, we can't allow these bad people to be here, even though they're already lost. Perception. I can't hear anything. So he dragged the two warriors and the two maids out and came back and asked, "It's cold." Are there any bad people in the palace? "I don't know," said the woman, "but I know I'm here alone. There will probably be no one else besides the warrior who guards me. Gu Zhonglian threw out the three things, the knife, the rope, and the poison wrapped in paper, and opened the window to let a fresh. The air came in and said, "Mother, from now on, you don't have to be afraid anymore!" The woman's tear-stained face was torn. She smiled for the first time in fifteen years. The woman said, "You have a twin brother, he-" Gu Zhonglian said: "Good to make my mother happy, and my brother is back!" That woman asks at once: "Where is he, why not with you?" Come with? "My brother came with me," said Gu Zhonglian. "We're going to assassinate the treacherous king to avenge you. My brother and I split up. Search the place of the treacherous king. The woman was taken aback and said, "Are you going to assassinate the treacherous king?" "Mother," said Gu Zhonglian, "you don't have to panic, brother. More capable than me. We also have a friend to help, this friend's ability is more remarkable, these warriors in the palace, one A thousand or ten thousand can't beat him! That woman has seen the ability of the daughter, be filled with joy, say: "You have practiced a skill, this is good.". Let's After fifteen years of suffering, it's time for revenge. Alas, I wonder if Zhang Feng's child is still alive? "Who is Zhang Feng?" Asked Gu Zhonglian? Do we have another brother? "Yes, Zhang Feng," said the woman. It's your brother. I'm afraid his life is more bitter than yours.
” "Mother," said Gu Zhonglian, "how lost is this elder brother? Did someone protect him and escape in the year of chaos? Why didn't Father mention it in the parchment? "The day your eldest brother was born," said the woman, "he gave The bad guys took it. The emperor did not know whether he was dead or alive. Gu Zhonglian was greatly surprised and said, "Dad is the king of a country. Why can't he protect his son?" "Your father is the king, but I am not the queen," said the woman. Mal, do you remember where you lived when you were a child? What place? "I remember living in a tent when I was a child," said Gu Zhonglian. "It was a very big tent with many houses inside. There is a large meadow outside the tent. I wonder- "said the woman," when did you know you were the king's daughter? Son? "It hasn't been half a year yet," said Gu Zhonglian. "I've arrived in the land of Masar. To understand those words. The woman said: "Do you wonder why you lived in a tent instead of a palace when you were a child?" Tanaka "Yes," said Lian, "there are many strange places. My father has never come to see me. Mother, you have only come to see me. Once The woman could not help but shed tears again and said, "My child, it's hard for you to remember that you were only three years old at that time, and I didn't." I came to see you. Then someone told you that your mother was dead, didn't they? "Yes," said Gu Zhonglian, "that's what Grandpa Qiu told me when he took me away. This Grandpa Qiu is not good to me. Chang Hao. I believe what he said. When I first heard you call my name outside this house, I couldn't believe it was you. My mother. Later, when I heard more and more clearly, I dared to come in and recognize you. Mom, this Grandpa Qiu is very kind to me, but he is very strong. Why should you deceive me? "Marr," said the woman,whirlpool bathtub, "you only know half of your story. No wonder your heart is full of doubts. These injuries I don't want to talk about my heart again, but I can't help telling you when we meet again tonight. Gu Zhonglian took out her handkerchief and wiped her mother's tears, only to hear her mother say slowly in a heavy tone:.
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상호 : 두륜산도립공원 관리사무소(해남군청) / 대표자 : 명현관
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