Master of Xiuzhen is really stunning by Wu Xia > 자유게시판

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Master of Xiuzhen is really stunning by Wu Xia

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작성자 DannyJacobs 댓글 0건 조회 46회 작성일 23-02-21 11:23


"These refugees are suffering because the monks are fighting, and now there is no mention of the monks not getting involved in mortal affairs!" Qu Sheng said in a deep voice with a wave of anger in his heart. Now the operation of Jishijia has just started, and there is no way to help the refugees in the Seven Kingdoms Alliance, and the whole Seven Kingdoms are also very resistant to outside forces to participate in the internal struggle of the Seven Kingdoms. What Qu Sheng especially can't understand is that the war has been so fierce, but they are unwilling to seek help from other sects in the realm of cultivation. When civil strife broke out, the seven countries did the same thing, and the first thing they started was to protect the country from outside interference. This kind of self-confident and self-unified concept of the seven countries was simply foolish! With her hands on her back, Qusheng's divinity swept over the refugee camp set up outside Jiaozi Village. Old people, women and children lived in simple tents, while men lay directly on the ground wrapped in quilts. Not far away, there was a big pot of boiling water. Next to it was a pot of porridge that could not be thinner. Only two bowls could be provided every day. This is the maximum help that Jiao Zi Village can provide. Qu Sheng asked, "Are the Seven Kingdoms still under blockade?" Xue Dehai replied, "After the State of Chu unified the seven kingdoms, the blockade was only more cautious than before. Except for these ragged refugees, anyone who looked like him was not allowed to send out a large array to protect the country." Jishijia could not get in, and the blockade of Tanyuan Palace forbade monks to come and go. They had almost isolated the seven countries from the world, and they did not know what they wanted to do. Qu Sheng has a decision in mind, because she was one of these refugees. Relax and take in these refugees. Cangwu will provide them with food and clothing,Magnesium Sulphate price, and I have something to tell you to do. If you can't do it, I'll find someone else to do it. "I will obey the decree of the Immortal Master," said Xue Dehai with great trepidation. "Jiaozi Village has also changed its name. What do you think of it as Jiaocheng?" Xue Dehai nodded instinctively. When he realized what Qu Sheng had said, he stared at her and said, "Do you want to build a city here and take in these refugees?"? This, this is.. This is a great thing! Qu Sheng smiled and said,Magnesium Oxide MgO, "Later I will send my disciples to supervise the construction of the city and mobilize these refugees." She lowered her voice. "It's not the way for you to raise it like this. Jiaozi Village can't pay endlessly, otherwise the refugees will become mobs sooner or later." Xue Dehai thought about some of the disputes that had arisen in the refugee camp in the last few days. His face suddenly looked a little bad. He immediately nodded and said, "Jiaozi Village has been sheltered by Cangwu for generations. Naturally, I listen to the immortal teacher." Qu Sheng said no more. After she left Jiaozi Village, she immediately returned to Cangwu and found Kang Zhounan, the first disciple who had recently been promoted to the golden elixir period. She gave him the responsibility for Jiaozi Village and the refugees. Then she opened the swan goose Yu Fei and left a message of divine consciousness to Zhuang Xiaozhou and Zong Ling, who was in charge of Kurosaki. Cangwu wants to build the main city to accept the refugees from the six countries and reproduce the elegant demeanor of Jincheng in those years. I hope you will come. Qusheng not only wants to build the main city of monks under Cangwu, but also wants to continue to cooperate with Kurosaki and Zhiyuan Zhai. What's more, she also wants to talk about cooperation with Jiuzhongtian Waitian. Cang Wu will not simply be a monk sect-Qu Sheng is like a strong grass that can not be crushed. When the sect is in adversity, she is indomitable and strives to survive in the cracks. Once she is given sunshine and rain, her ambition will never be so simple. From Jishijia to the present city of difficult democracy, her heart and the orthodoxy of this school do not allow Cangwu to do nothing, Qusheng has a feeling that she can stand a little higher. So, Magnesium Oxide price ,potassium sulphate fertilizer, why not? For this reason, she needs stronger cultivation and more time. With such a mood, Qu Sheng took Qiu Fujun and Liu Wenqian into the closed room of the Headmaster Hall. Chapter 193 another heavy landscape (4). Qu Sheng doesn't have many magic weapons nowadays, but he has had a lot of opportunities. Counting the threshold of the power of the rules that he once touched when he was in the world of heaven and sea, the understanding of the boundary of blessing at the Sui Wu Festival, and the realm of Yanmen Shield that broke out when he was in the space of the spirit core outside the nine heavens, he finally got the way of Qian Kun yuan in the free world this time. Every chance has a big background. In fact, only one is enough for an ordinary monk to advance to a small level.
She went into the seclusion room and released Liu Wen Qian. When Liu Wen Qian saw Qiu Fu Jun, he hung his little head almost instinctively and sniffed carefully. Then he said, "Say hello to you." The blood of Qiufujun's strange beast pressed the yuanbao rat properly, but he had no pressure. He smiled warmly. He stretched out his finger and touched the forehead of Liuwen. He whispered, "You arrived before me. Please take care of me in the future." Liu Wenqian has never met such a gentle orc power from birth to racial inheritance. He wanted to put on a show, but as soon as he raised his little head, he hung down unconsciously when he spoke. I, I.. I'll cover you! It doesn't sound powerful. Qiu Fujun smiled and looked at Qu Sheng gently and said, "Then please prepare to be promoted. Xiao Liu and I will be with you in samadhi." This time the promotion is urgent, but not in a hurry, Qu Sheng will put some low-level elixir and Lingshi aside for use at any time, she will open the closed room of the Gathering Spirit Array, and then pinched a formula, the divine consciousness sank into the Dantian, holding yuan Shouyi, began to carefully comb their own meridians, breathing the spirit of heaven and earth, Yanmen shield and Dingjun gun quietly suspended on both sides of her body. A flash of light from time to time. The voice of Qiu Fujun came from my ear: "I have the magical power of dragon horn, which is invulnerable to all evils. It can help you stabilize your mind. Please give me your hand." In fact, what is the magical power of Qiu Fujun? With him, in the future, Qu Sheng will be promoted, and I'm afraid there will be few demons in his heart. Qu Sheng held hands with him, and the meridians were connected. After entering meditation, it was like entering a sweet dream-limbs and bones, all of them were comfortable. Her heart is stable, even full of confidence, only to feel that this time, God may really be on her side. After three hundred long years of life, the past emerged in my mind one by one. The feeling of every battle, the experience of every life, every danger, every killing,calcium ammonium nitrate price, a pile of suffering.. Qu Sheng does not complain, she inherits Cangwu broad-minded mind, only feel that it is a gift from heaven and earth. And how will I repay heaven and earth.
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