Break the sky > 자유게시판

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Break the sky

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작성자 Harvin 댓글 0건 조회 39회 작성일 23-02-21 11:57


"You can't stop me at the cost of burning my soul." Faced with the resistance of the soul of the tomb, Xiao Xuan's face was still calm, he smiled, reached out his hand, and then held it gently, the soul spear with a sharp sound wave suddenly stagnated, and then in Xiao Xuan's sleeve robe, he immediately turned around, but with a more fierce impact, reflected to the soul of the tomb on the spear. It was even contaminated with clusters of strange flames, which were the fireworks of spontaneous combustion of the soul. Whew! The speed of the spear reflection is very fast, almost instantaneously, is directly into the fire, from the huge face above the penetration, suddenly, the flame on the spear, as if met with dry firewood, coax a sound is like lightning diffuse and open. Ah Fireworks filled the air, the soul of the tomb issued a shrill scream, if it is to fight normally, although it is afraid of Xiao Xuan, but will not be afraid, but now the latter is a spontaneous combustion of the soul, that power, nature is suddenly soaring, even if it is extremely difficult to resist, not to mention, the soul of spontaneous combustion of fireworks, for its soul body, it is too lethal. The giant face of the soul in the sky was filled with flames,metal trim manufacturers, and finally the giant face shrank rapidly. At the same time, a stream of crazy soul shocks burst out from its body continuously, turning the world upside down. All the energy bodies were frightened to flee far away from this area, for fear of being twisted into it. Pure lotus demon fire around Xiao Yan, although the impact of the soul is very strong, but Xiao Yan's strength is still able to contend with, so there is no retreat, eyes just closely watching the battle in the sky, now Xiao Xuan's soul power, is strong to a very terrible level, no matter how Xiao Yan detection,aluminium edge trim, are unable to explore its bottom line, obviously, soul spontaneous combustion, Now he is almost in an invincible state. But as long as the thought of this state, is the need for Xiao Xuan to pay the price of the soul, Xiao Yan fist can not help but clench up, although now Xiao Xuan is only a residual soul, but after all, there is still, and after the battle, when the soul burns out, he will completely disappear in this world.. "Xiao Xuan, I won't let you go!" Giant face in the flames shrinking, after a long time, unexpectedly turned into a shadow-like appearance, scarlet and furious double pupil, staring at Xiao Xuan, killing surging. For the roar of the soul of the tomb of heaven, Xiao Xuan is ignored, his hands closed, immediately quickly changed into a complex and cumbersome seal, china tile trim ,stainless steel edging strip, and with the change of his seal, a flame light suddenly swept out from his fingertips, and finally quickly interwoven in the sky, into a huge array, and in the center of that big array, it is the soul of the tomb of heaven. Sniff! As soon as the big array took shape, it did not wait for the soul of the tomb to react, only to see that in the big array, the overwhelming line of fire was hanging down, and then only to hear the sound of hissing, that countless lines of fire were penetrating the body of the soul of the tomb, winding it around and hanging in the big array. Boom! Faced with the winding, the soul of the tomb of that day is also struggling crazily, a stream of Xiao Yan is a discolored soul fluctuations, like shells constantly bombarding the winding line of fire, but those seemingly weak lines of fire, for the power of the soul, as if there is a great restraint effect in general, no matter how strong the impact of the soul, in contact with the line of fire. It will fade quickly. If you can't even clean up this state, it's a little too small for me, Xiao Xuan. Xiao Xuan took a look at the crazy struggle of the soul of the tomb, a faint smile, the voice is not loud, but it has its own momentum flow, the strongest of that year, even now only the soul, but still has a domineering. Xiao Xuan, let me go, we can discuss whatever you want! Struggle for a long time fruitless, that day the soul of the tomb is also a lot of soft, it understands that in this state of Xiao Xuan, far stronger than it, but as long as it can survive this period of time, even if it does not make a move, Xiao Xuan will disappear.
"No need to discuss, hand over the source of your soul!" As for the soft words of the soul of the tomb of heaven, Xiao Xuan smiled. As soon as the handprint changed, the countless lines of fire suddenly plunged into the body of the former, and then began to slowly retreat. With the pulling of the line of fire, only a glittering circle of light about the size of Zhang Xu was slowly pulled out from the body of the soul of the tomb of heaven. When a corner of the glittering circle of light is slightly exposed, there is a brilliant light pouring down from it. Xiao Yan's palm reached into the light in front of him, and a warm feeling suddenly emerged from the depths of his soul. At this time, he seemed to hear the greedy cry of his soul. Is this the soul source of the soul of the tomb of heaven. Xiao Yan muttered to himself that when he destroyed the soul temple, he had got some of the soul source from the soul temple, but that degree of soul source compared with the light in front of him now, it is a kind of witch-like feeling, the purity of the latter, compared with those soul sources in the soul hall, I do not know how many times stronger.. "Ho! Ho!" Accompanied by the source of the soul was forcibly pulled out, that day the soul of the tomb is also issued like a wild animal roar, this time, it finally felt fear. "Xiao Xuan, let me go. I'll give you the tomb of heaven. You can do whatever you want!" Under the fear, the soul of the tomb kept shouting. However, his cry did not have the slightest effect, Xiao Xuan did not even look at it, the handprint quickly changed, the strength of the line of fire became more and more powerful, and finally, the crystal circle of light, actually had most of the body that was forcibly torn away from the soul of the tomb. Xiao Xuan, I'll fight with you! Feeling the rapid passage of power in the body, the soul of the tomb finally understood that if it did not go all out, it would be completely hopeless, and at the moment its body was shining brightly,tile profile factory, faintly, there was also a surge of flames, it was also forced to spontaneously combust the soul! "Pow!" 。
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