The dead live forever > 자유게시판

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The dead live forever

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작성자 Harvin 댓글 0건 조회 47회 작성일 23-02-21 11:58


Van Heller looked at me. He didn't understand why I was bothering with this, but he answered me. If we ignore the problem of obtaining and cultivating Fan's virus, then I think that attacking with non-infectious Fan's virus can play a very strong deterrent role. But I think it's unthinkable to attack with a newly discovered variant like this. "Why?" "If you don't want to get yourself involved, you'd better not do that.". To spread a highly contagious and incurable virus, even a madman should consider it. After all, terrorists are rational, and they have their own purposes to attack, so I don't think they will risk the global spread of the virus to do so, no matter what they pursue, using Fan's virus will only backfire in the end. I think if someone wants to use biological weapons to attack terrorists, there are many better choices, such as anthrax, or Eberra, which is much better than Van's virus. But there are a lot of paranoid and crazy people in this world, maybe the virus knight is one. Van Heller's words did not put me at ease, but made me more worried in my heart. Then he Xi said hello and got up to go to the bathroom. Van Heller watched her leave and suddenly asked me, "She's charming,stainless steel tile trim, isn't she?" "Ah, yes." I didn't know how to answer for a moment. Van Heller withdrew his gaze, smiled at me, and said nothing more. Is he admonishing or encouraging? There are too many things hidden behind the old man's vicissitudes of life. Did he just say something casually? "Heard that he Xi's brother is sick?" I don't know what kind of psychology I am based on, but I asked this sentence devilishly. " Yes Van Heller's face darkened. "He's infected with an unknown virus. There's nothing we can do about it." "I'm sorry." I have some regrets about bringing it up. Our medicine is still in its infancy. Van Heller sighed. Fan Zhe came to Shanghai when he was ill. Could there be another deadly virus lurking in Shanghai? "Now that Fan Zhe has opened his mouth, I'm going to ask a few more questions. I don't believe Van Heller knows nothing about his daughter's suspicion." I know the relationship between He Xi and Fan Zhe, and I also know my daughter's mood at this time. She has her own ideas about some things. At first I tried to stop her,stainless steel edge trim, but now it seems.. Van Heller took a sip of chrysanthemum tea from a small teacup. I stared at him. Why did the old man always like to divide a sentence into two sentences? Let her be, if you are willing to help her. After all, you are familiar with her in Shanghai. Help me take good care of her. At this point, Van Heller's tone slowed down slightly, which made my mind, which had been close to death, move a little. If, as she suspected, there was something hidden, I was eager to know. Fan Zhe, he is my most important child. At this point, for the first time, aluminum tile edge trim ,aluminum tile trim, I saw the obvious emotion in his eyes, which was the sadness that could not be concealed, the grief of the white-haired man when he sent the black-haired man. I was speechless for a moment, and the atmosphere at the dinner table became depressed. He Xi came back soon. "She was keenly aware that there was something different between me and Van Heller than before she left." Oh, it's nothing. I'm consulting Mr. Fan about his ideal of medical research. Now the country has been talking about combined use of traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine. In fact, Chinese medicine has become a fur attached to Western medicine. There are fewer and fewer good Chinese medicine. Combining them is just empty talk. I covered up and said. Ah, then you must be intimidated by his ideas. To be honest, at this point, I can't understand it at all. He Xi said with relief. But I was confused by what she said. Van Heller coughed lightly and smiled at He Xi and said, "No, don't say that. I just said the beginning. In fact, I was born in China. It should be easier for me to accept my ideas than you." After listening to the conversation between Van Heller and He Xi, I am convinced that Van Heller will "frighten me". I'm really interested. Traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine are completely different paths, which seem to be totally irrelevant. At least from the perspective of modern medicine, that is, Western medicine, many of the treatment concepts of traditional Chinese medicine are incomprehensible, and the treatment methods are even more ignorant and backward, such as scraping.
In Western countries, Chinese scraping for children was once considered child abuse, and many people were accused in court. There is a movie called "scraping", which is about a similar case. Later, the influence of Chinese medicine in the world gradually increased. Although it could not be compared with Western medicine, medical methods such as scraping, golden needles and acupoint massage have been accepted by many Westerners. Chinese medicine clinics are very popular in the United States and Europe. Why is this happening? Because these means do exist. Effect. "Don't spread it out. You have to go through the security check and get on the plane. Be careful not to waste time." He Xi interrupted with a smile. Van Heller glared at He Xi, but in his eyes, there was far more love than blame. But this is a very strange thing, why is it that a treatment derived from a theory that modern medicine can't understand at all can really have obvious curative effect? Is there really an acupoint? ? Is there really a meridian? ? Why can't the instrument find it? "Not even an autopsy?" Van Heller said excitedly, and his pale face became ruddy. " If this problem is not solved, the real integration of Chinese and Western medicine will be impossible to talk about. Van Heller took a sip of tea, moistened his throat and continued. "Did you solve this problem?" I asked him with wide eyes. As someone who doesn't know medicine, I know that this is a big problem that is almost impossible to accomplish. It can't be solved. Over the years, many people have been studying this aspect, and some people have tried to explain the meridians by endocrine, but in my opinion, this is not right at all. As for me, I have my own ideas. At this point, Van Heller stopped and began to keep him in suspense again. My interest has been completely hung up, hurriedly asked: "Then how do you explain?" Van Heller smirked,stainless steel tile edging, and by now he had reached his itch. He doesn't have to have a white face, otherwise he would have twirled his beard and smiled. In your eyes, my daughter is very beautiful. 。
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