My Rhapsody with Her After the Transformation (Updated to the End of the Prologue) > 자유게시판

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My Rhapsody with Her After the Transformation (Updated to the End of t…

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작성자 Esposito 댓글 0건 조회 37회 작성일 23-02-23 10:59


"What's the use of going in?"? Aren't you afraid of that man? The man named Scarlett. Bright's voice seemed to be demonic, and when the four words Skaret came into Kalida's ears, an energy that could disintegrate all her strength suddenly spread out, and her memory spurted out like a spring. Her hands did not even have the strength to clench, so she collapsed on the ground. Now Kalida had no strength to resist. Bright strode over with a smile. He came up to Kalida, half knelt down, and looked at her whispering. Are you rediscovering your old self? The beautiful elf who was ravaged by Scarlet, played with, abandoned, and finally crawled back on the man's toes like a wild dog? "Ah.." Yes, what he said is not wrong, but this time, surrounded by the peace of the moon sea, she lost her former self, she is just a wild dog who can never leave Scarlet. Even if the distance is far away, as long as you hear the voice and name of that person, the chain will jingle, and eventually drag its heavy body like death, crawling forward with its hands and feet. And then return to the days of being ravaged and played with, responding to the thoughts and practices of a human being named Scarlet. She, this elf named Kalida, It's just a piece of junk that should have been left quietly on the Scarlet shelf long ago. Brett looked at Kalida,Interactive digital signage, whose eyes were fading. He slowly put his right hand on his opponent's long ear. Sure enough, the soul is very fragile, just a simple mental pressure, has made her self-abandonment, why should Scarlett take such a spirit to heart? While thinking like this, a sharp sword suddenly locked on Brett, and he immediately loosened his right hand and made a gesture of surrender, facing the Moon Sea,temperature screening kiosk, which was still fighting Scarlet behind him. Just a moment of the sword, he had been scared out of a cold sweat, he just came to see the play, but no idea of fighting with other people. But outside the court, as the host, Mengdie frowned slightly and said with some doubts. "Don't you think Yuehai's martial arts skills are so similar to Tyre's?" "It is said that Tyre's martial arts skills are derived from Lord Cummister, while Moonsea's martial arts skills are somewhat different from Tyre's, but they are similar.." The matchless suddenly spoke at this time, and the change of tone made the gentle slightly raise his eyebrows, while Caesar on the other side of his body nodded the same way. "Yes, I deeply admire Tyre's martial arts skills, so I have studied them in private, and now I see some of the martial arts skills of the Moon Sea." The same is true of Caesar, who stopped talking in the middle of the conversation and felt that the next story was for everyone to imagine. Gentle and elegant, after listening to the words of these three people, facial recognition thermometer ,face detection android, they always felt as if they were acting, and they actually had no enmity with the Moon Sea. It was also unreasonable to add trouble to each other behind their backs. It seems that there is something behind these people. Sitting in front of the red desk, she supported the table with her hands on her chin and elbows, her eyes were deep, but she did not say a word, looking at the picture in the shadow stone, not knowing what she was thinking. I don't know, what do you think of Yuehai's martial arts? "Well.." I heard that the Moon Sea students are from a principality of the Sigri Empire. I think they should know better than us. Gentle and elegant even if the topic shift, although she and the moon sea have not communicated, but after all is Xiaoxi's friend, so the help or to help! Dream butterfly has a moment of face stiffness, but very natural to cover up the past. "Oh, that's really incredible. If there is a chance, I don't know if any students will go to inquire about it. After all, it's the beautiful Moon Sea Goddess. Who doesn't want to know her background?" Wen Wenya frowned slightly, obviously living in a dormitory for four years, but she did not know the situation of the dream butterfly today. It's not just a dream butterfly. The same is true of Caesar.
Always feel that there is something unknown behind them, but gentle and elegant can not see through, although she became the peak of the Tianzi level of the strong, but in front of those big people are still weak. OK! The wonderful duel is not only here, but also on the other side, Diz and Waltz have risen to the final white-hot battle, the unique dragon VS unknown white dog, which is equally curious! What does white dog mean? This is clearly a wolf. "Oh ~ small matchless is really beautiful Tucao, ha ha, in fact, this beautiful white dog I have studied, the Moremit family has a school of martial arts called the heart of the white wolf, all the people with the blood of Moremit in their bodies can learn the heart of the white wolf, I heard that the higher the adaptability of the heart is, the easier it is to condense the white wolf." That was once a God, Diz now completely summoned the white wolf, equivalent to the power of God's family, this strength can really be multiplied by geometric times to enhance ah! No.448 Bright The moon sea was knocked back by Scarlet's fist. She gritted her teeth and felt the pain. She still felt numb in her hands. Is this guy's fist made of iron? With such an idea, Scarlet did not follow up the victory, rather in the eyes of this man and the battle of the moon sea has been able to use a leisurely attitude to face, obviously not long ago was also hit by the moon sea can not find the north, but now has been able to fight with the other side of the capital. Moon sea took a deep breath, she knows her strength very well, in fact, Scarlet is not so difficult to defeat, but she has been carrying out the idea of not exposing her own strength in the battle, so in martial arts she can only use 20 to 30% of the strength, only the speed of this point, after all, in the individual competition has been exposed, so she did not hide. In addition, after two or three months,interactive whiteboard prices, the speed is faster than before, which should be reasonable. If this power is exposed too much, she will be in trouble if the interested person talks about it.
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