Titanium alloy exhaust pipe _ stainless steel > 자유게시판

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Titanium alloy exhaust pipe _ stainless steel

페이지 정보

작성자 Walker 댓글 0건 조회 46회 작성일 23-02-22 11:05


Original title: Titanium alloy exhaust pipe Titanium alloy exhaust pipe Stainless Steel Exhaust and Titanium Alloy Exhaust-Car The modified exhaust can not only discharge the waste more smoothly, but also make the sound more obvious; Stainless steel and titanium alloy are the mainstream materials in the modified exhaust market. Most modified players prefer stainless steel,ti6al4v eli, which is also the mainstream of exhaust in the market. There are three specific differences between them: I. Weight In the case of the same volume, the weight of titanium alloy material is lighter than that of stainless steel material. The weight of titanium alloy material can be more than one third lighter than that of stainless steel material,titanium plate gr7, and its rigidity is better, which can fully meet the needs of players who pursue lightweight. Stainless steel exhaust Heat resistance and heat dissipation Although the exhaust gas can withstand high temperatures now, titanium exhaust tubing ,titanium round bar, the heat resistance and heat dissipation of titanium alloy are still better than that of stainless steel. Titanium alloy exhaust Three, sound waves Because the titanium alloy exhaust pipe wall is thinner than the stainless steel exhaust, the sound of the titanium alloy exhaust will be higher, and the stainless steel exhaust will be thicker and deeper. These are some of the differences between titanium alloy and stainless steel. Although titanium alloy has better exhaust rigidity, better heat resistance and lighter weight, the mainstream of the market still prefers stainless steel. Because of the high cost of titanium alloy and the more difficult processing, the higher the purity of titanium alloy, the better the degree of tensile bending, the higher the heat resistance,titanium sheet grade 5, and the more expensive the exhaust price. Therefore, according to the different needs of players, the orientation of their selection will also be different. Return to Sohu to see more Responsible Editor:. yunchtitanium.com
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