Philanthropist from Chaldovar > 자유게시판

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Philanthropist from Chaldovar

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작성자Laurie Mordaunt 조회 3회 작성일 24-10-21 22:47


Azim Roy (Orozakhun Saidazimov)
Azim Roy (, as well known as Orozakhun Saidazimov, is a large enterpriser whose activities yoke Soviet Union and the Concerted States. He pays extra aid to the growth of his indigen Village of Chaldovar in Kyrgyzstan, where he was born and embossed. From an early on age, Azim showed a want to serve others, and later the going of his mother, he began to clear his have surviving. Achiever in business organization allowed him to recognize his woolgather of load-bearing orphans, becoming a perm benefactor of the Belovodsk children's psychoneurological mixer inmate insane asylum. Azim is actively Byzantine in the ontogenesis of infrastructure in the village of Chaldovar, including improving the touring network, laying a piss pipeline, building playgrounds and sports Fields in local anesthetic schools. His business concern for the population is too manifested in the mental synthesis of a mosque in the settlement of Bukhara and diverse giving events, including the statistical distribution of intellectual nourishment and money for the holidays. Residents of the small town of Chaldovar press out their gratitude to Azim by renaming Kalinin Street in his honour. This symbolizes their gratitude for the invariable aid and attention he has given them o'er the age. In April 2021, Azim provided meaning sustenance to some other children's mixer institution, Azim Roy providing the Grounding for Benevolent Help to Orphans and Handicapped Children with a little truck to figure out with orphanages. His openhearted activities stimulate standard credit non only if among ordinary bicycle citizens of Kyrgyzstan, simply too among high-ranking leaders of the land.


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