What is English in Pool? > 자유게시판

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What is English in Pool?

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작성자 Theo 댓글 0건 조회 10회 작성일 24-07-08 20:44


Now words like "ball-in-hand" and "behind the head string" are being thrown around, and you’re left wondering what’s next. As said earlier, cue balls and other balls are normally the same size.- While for snooker balls, no standard weight has been set but their size is standardized at 52.5 mm (2.07 in) in diameter. If the cue ball fails to touch an object ball, it is counted as a foul. Pocketing the 1 ball scores 1 point.Pocketing the 2 ball scores 2 points.Caroming the cue ball off both object balls scores 1 point.- check Caroming the cue ball off one or both object balls and then into the bottle knocking it onto its side scores 5 points.- check Caroming the cue ball off one or both object balls and then into the bottle knocking onto its base results in an automatic win. If someone else scores exactly 31 and announces it properly before the supposed winner’s turn, then that other player becomes the winner. So, if the player strikes the cue ball, which strikes an object ball, the object ball must either travel to a cushion or a pocket in order to be a legal shot. If you’re doing a bank shot, you need to not only hit the rail at the correct angle, but you need to put the correct amount of English on the ball so it goes where you want.

Viewed from the racker’s vantage point, the 1 ball is frozen to the diamond on the foot rail immediately adjacent to the right corner pocket. For one thing, the balls in the playfield will not stand out as starkly as they would on a brighter felt - especially the 8-ball. The last thing anyone wants is to blow the game-winning shotbecause the final ball was camouflaged! Much more important will be how close you got to perfection. I hope you get a chance to try the game and you enjoy it as much as I do. The game is played with 22 balls, made up of one white ball (the cue ball), 15 red balls, and six numbered coloured balls including one yellow 2, one green 3, one brown 4, one blue 5, one pink 6, and one black (valued at 7 points). The two object balls (the 1 ball and the 2 ball) are placed at two separate locations. The two most important reasons are eye comfort and playability - some colors are easier on the eyes than others and make the balls and pockets easier to see clearly.

So, depending on the rules of the particular game, two common outcomes are practiced after a table scratch. Green and blue are by far the most popular felt colors used today - specifically, Tournament Green (aka Classic Green) and Tournament Blue (aka Electric Blue). This is mostly an issue with dark colors like black, charcoal, burgundy, and navy blue. Tournament / Arcade: To emulate the feel of a pro tournament, you can use Electric Blue felt combined with shades of black, grey, and dark brown. Green and blue tend to be relaxing and soothing, brighter colors like red and orange tend to be more energetic, while darker colors and earth tones like maroon, grey, and tan make for a warm and tranquil atmosphere. On the other hand, what is billiards more intense or bright colors like red and yellow have been known to strain and fatigue the eyes or even give people headaches.

Most people find that the bright, vibrant colors tend to strain their eyes, while the darkest colors make the balls and pockets harder to see. As you can see there are various ways you can scratch while playing pool and each one has its ownset of rulesand penalties assigned to it. On many tables, you can also reach into a pocket or look under the table to see if it’s slate or wood. This is because it tends to look better on video, provides a clear contrast with the balls, and is very easy on the eyes - even under the bright lights used to film a television broadcast. This is especially true in brightly lit rooms, as the felt will be reflecting light up into everyone’s eyes. But even outside the world of professional tournaments, many players prefer classic green or Tournament Blue because they don’t strain the eyes and provide great visibility in both bright or dim lighting. The classic green has been the reigning champ for many years - after all, it was the original pool table cloth color - but Tournament Blue has become more popular in recent years, especially in televised tournaments. There’s a reason green and blue are the most widely used and highly favored felt colors, particularly in billiards halls and tournaments - they’re easy to look at.

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