1 day in the life of a physically fit Model > 자유게시판

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1 day in the life of a physically fit Model

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작성자Alica Gannon 조회 65회 작성일 22-09-10 05:11


When the majority of people think of modeling, they think of high fashion magazines as well as runway shows. But there are many kinds of models.
I have completed nearly all of it, although I spent the majority of my career as being a fit model.
What is a healthy model?

Here is what Wikipedia says:
A fitting product (sometimes healthy model) is a person who is used by a fashion designer or clothing company to examine the fit, drape and obvious appearance of your design on a' real' human being, effectively acting as a live mannequin.
This's a technically precise definition, but it fails to account for the assortment of fun as well as challenges that has gone into the morning in the lifespan of a fit model.

I used to start my workdays at 5am in military fatigues driving my vehicle downtown for boot camp with a group of type A wall streeters to sweat as well as stay healthy. With music blasting and singing at the upper part of my lungs, I would be psyched to exercise by the time I pulled into my parking spot beyond the gym.
Everywhere I went, individuals were sporting clothes I'd fit and I was always working... at the gym, at a charity event, almost everywhere people wore clothes!
Even when I was not actually in a fitting, which has been almost 24/7, I'd be asking women questions about the clothes they were wearing I had fit. I would shop the brands I fit in plus the competition, measure all the clothing, women's best fat burners (inquiry) take pictures of myself and some wearing the garments and give clients electronic and written reports of how to strengthen the garments we meet. Most of the women at boot camp wore Gap Body undergarments and they had been major consumers with superb feedback (which made a great start to the day.)


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