Bahrain central bank increases one-week deposit rate by 75 bps to... > 자유게시판

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Bahrain central bank increases one-week deposit rate by 75 bps to...

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작성자Franziska 조회 4,697회 작성일 22-11-15 04:24


Sept 21 (Reuters) - The Central Bank of Bahrain said on Wednesday it raised its key policy interest rate on its one-week deposit facility by 75 basis points (bps) to 4%, moving in parallel with the U.S.
Federal Reserve's hike as the Bahraini dinar is pegged to the dollar.
CBB also hiked by 75 bps the overnight deposit rate to 3.75%, Selot5000 the four-week deposit rate to 4.75% and the lending rate to 5.25%.
(Reporting by Alaa Swilam and Mahmoud Mourad in Cairo; Writing by Yousef Saba; Editing by Chris Reese)


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