Zhang Xiaohua-The First Chaos in History (Complete Version of Fine Collation) > 자유게시판

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Zhang Xiaohua-The First Chaos in History (Complete Version of Fine Col…

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작성자Kalinowska 조회 53회 작성일 23-02-13 09:29


Gu Ye probably belongs to the first type, 3 million here can be seen as a tone interjection, it can be imagined that the old man has been very angry with me. As I said, just say a few good words and leave. But Gu Ye was unreasonable. The old man must have practiced internal skills. I couldn't move my hands when I pressed them on the box. He looked at me and said in a bad tone, "Young man, don't be too greedy. Three million yuan is a lot. I, Gu Ye, always have a fair price when doing business." Look, are you angry and confused? I laughed and said, "Don't make fun of me. Someone is trying to frame me." Gu Ye opened the box again, carefully took out the bottle, and gently stroked the crack on the bottle with his fingertips. I guess he felt all the cracks once and then went into a state of madness. "This bottle used to be good," he said. Gu Ye couldn't take his eyes off the lines on the bottle and said casually, "Nonsense, of course I know it's good.". It was just an ordinary thing before it fell, but it was different after it fell. "Gu Ye looked up at me in astonishment and said," Why don't you ask me why? " "Oh.." Why is that? Only then did Master Gu continue to enjoy it and said, "This bottle is not the work of a famous craftsman. Even if it is well preserved, it is only 2 million now, but the person who repaired it is different.." Gu Ye closed his eyes,empty lotion tubes, touched the bottom of the bottle carefully with his fingers, and suddenly said, "This man's name is Jin Dajian." I was shocked. "How do you know?" Master Gu smiled and said, "Famous craftsmen usually engrave their names on their works out of conceit.". I can't remember this Jin Dajian at the moment, but he is definitely a man with superb skills. He carved four words on the bottom of the bottle: 'Jin Dajian Bu'. The craft of mending porcelain is now basically lost. This Jin Dajian should be a person of the same era as this bottle. After his mending, it is of great significance. This thing is even more valuable. Damn it, that's what happened. If it wasn't for Master Gu showing off his eyesight, I'd still be in the dark. Lao Jin is playing a big game this time. Thanks to Gu Ye,empty cosmetic tubes, he is an old man who knows the goods. Otherwise, I would have to go out today. Master Gu finished sweeping my eyes, held the bottle in his hand and looked at it endlessly. Finally, he exclaimed, "What's rare is that he mended the crack as if it were painted on. Hey, I said, do you sell it or not?" "Sell!"! Absolutely sell! Just now I was planning to sell the box for three or two thousand yuan, and I was lucky. I almost bought it. Xiaoqiang, there is still room for this bottle to reach the hands of people who know the goods, but this kind of person is not easy to find in this period. If you sell it to me for 3 million yuan, you will get something back. I laughed and said, "That's that." I decided to drop all the pots and pans at home and let Jin Dajian mend them. Gu Ye will be my long-term meal ticket in the future. Gu Ye reluctantly put the bottle back, covered it, and then ordered people to prepare the money. I heard the tiger tell me that the old man is very rich. He was a man of the hour in old China, plastic packing tube ,plastic cosmetic tubes, and because of the turmoil, most of them traveled abroad to settle down, and it was strange that there was only one seedling like Gu Ye in a thousand hectares of land in the old family. At the age of 40, Gu Ye was still a knight-errant hoodlum. Suddenly, one day, he learned from an obituary sent by a big capitalist country that Gu Ye's second uncle had passed away and that Lao Gu had left a legacy of $7 million to Xiao Gu. Before Xiaogu could break free from the feeling of sadness or surprise, a capitalist No.2 country sent an obituary. Xiaogu's third uncle had a cold, leaving Xiaogu a legacy of 18 million. Xiaogu has not yet converted the amount of RMB, and the fourth uncle of Xiaogu, a Southeast Asian country rich in shemales, died. This time, it was far from enough, leaving only 30 million baht to Xiaogu, whose fourth uncle belonged to the poor class in the Gu family. Xiaogu has seven uncles. After that, every few years, with the crossing of an elite of the ancient family, there will be a large amount of money in Gu Ye's account. Gu Ye's experience made him sigh with emotion and reached the realm of not being surprised. As long as his experience was recorded truthfully, it would be a YY novel. Now the ancient master's heart is as calm as water. He takes pleasure in cheating a little money by pretending to be blind. Sometimes he collects some antiques and has a very good life.
I don't know why I suddenly remembered a lyric: Suddenly one day he changed, the king of sloppiness, he is not sloppy, we all like him.. But after a long time to send out the people have not come back, I thought the old is not to play tricks ah, conservative estimates of two or three hundred million people transfer 3 million are so long? Just as I was thinking about it, the two big men came back with two big suitcases. At Master Gu's signal, they put the suitcases on the table and opened them. Inside were old people's heads full of clarity! It is said that there are millions of funds flowing through my hands, but they are all transfers, just a series of changes in numbers, and it is the first time that I have really seen so much money. Bundles of RMB, like bricks, are neatly stacked in boxes, reflecting half of the room red. No wonder many things worth 10 million yuan can be bought with 9 million yuan in cash. This visual impact is too great! I was sweating and said, "Master Gu, don't exaggerate, do you?"? Just put it in my account. Master Gu said, "We Jianghu men have to do things in a down-to-earth way. If we put the money into your account, you can't even buy a popsicle when you go to the street." I said, "I can't buy a popsicle with these two boxes of money." Master Gu laughed and said, "Dian Dian." I buckled the box directly and said, "What's the point? The money given by Gu Ye can only be more or less." Master Gu rolled his eyes and said, "Little dog, don't talk to me. I won't recognize you out of this door." I went out with a box in my hand and said, "If you don't recognize me, I won't take anything less than one or two million yuan." Master Gu sighed, "Your shameless appearance has the charm of my youth." …… Out of the door, I was in a dilemma: where should I go first with the 3 million? Go home? Tell the steamed stuffed bun that you picked it up? I guess she won't believe it. Save it? That is more not be to one's profit, cash is much more convenient,cosmetic tube packaging, can the bank stare at me again, when waiting for me to take money, accuse me of a huge amount of property source is unidentified. emptycosmetictubes.com


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