Pupils watching porn: Children see sex shows and self-harm videos > 자유게시판

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Pupils watching porn: Children see sex shows and self-harm videos

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작성자 Johnnie 댓글 0건 조회 122회 작성일 23-03-25 17:24


Half of British youngsters aged 11 to 17 admitted they had seen pornography or graphic violence online via social media websites, apps and games (stock image)
Children are watching live sex shows and videos about self-harming on websites their parents often deem to be safe, campaigners warn.
Half of British youngsters aged 11 to 17 admitted they had seen pornography or graphic violence online via social media websites, apps and games, a survey found.??
And many children are likely to be accessing unsuitable content whilst they are still at primary school, because they join social media platforms far earlier than they should.
Research by the NSPCC children's charity found that nearly four out of five youngsters have joined social media websites like Facebook and Snapchat before they reach the official minimum age of 13.
The majority of technology companies ask users to tick a box to confirm their age before they set up an account.
However, the overwhelming majority to school children are side-stepping this barrier simply by lying about their age.
Yesterday, children's campaigners called on social media companies to introduce stricter age controls, to ensure children do not start using them earlier than they should.

And they called for extra protection for users in their teenage years.
Alan Wardle, the NSPCC's head of policy and public affairs, said: ‘[Asking children to tick a box] is not enough.
There are certain things we think need to be done as a matter of course, like putting privacy settings at the highest level as a default for under 18s, or telling children when they are chatting with an adult.
‘A lot of these websites treat 13 year olds like adults, which is inappropriate.'

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He added: ‘There's a lot that goes on. Children have seen sexual behaviour, self-harm, violence, that sort of thing [as well as] live streaming of sex.'
The children's charity also urged parents to talk to their children about social media, long before they become ‘surly teenagers'.
Research by the NSPCC children's charity found that nearly four out of five youngsters have joined social media websites like Facebook and Snapchat before they reach the official minimum age of 13
Chief executive Peter Wanless said: ‘It's vital that parents sit down together with their children regularly to talk about which social media sites they are using, rt.chatruletka-18.com and how to get help if they need it.'
However, adults are often more na?ve than their children about the dangers that certain websites present, the NSPCC's survey of 1,725 children and 500 parents found.
Youngsters interviewed by the study said there was a ‘high risk' of seeing sexual content if they used the social media platforms Tumblr, Omegle or Chatroulette - but their parents judged these websites to be relatively low risk.
Tumblr is a longstanding social network aimed at teens, whilst the Omegle and Chatroulette websites offer users video chats with strangers chosen at random.
However, they were not necessarily the worst offenders.

The website Sickipedia - which collects offensive jokes - was named as the riskiest website of all, followed by Omegle, Chatroulette, Ask.fm and Yik Yak.?
The Ask.fm app allows users to ask each other questions, whilst Yik Yak is used like an anonymous online bulletin board.
The findings came as the NSPCC published an updated version of its Net Aware guide, a booklet designed to help parents navigate the web, produced in partnership with the mobile phone giant O2.?

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