What are the advantages of titanium tubes in desalination equipment? _ White copper > 자유게시판

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What are the advantages of titanium tubes in desalination equipment? _…

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작성자Walker 조회 98회 작성일 23-02-22 11:07


Original title: What are the advantages of titanium tubes in seawater desalination equipment? In today's society where the water environment is under stress, we are gradually realizing that desalination can alleviate the water situation. So what is desalination equipment? Seawater desalination equipment refers to the equipment specially used to desalinate seawater. Seawater desalination mainly uses two methods to desalinate seawater, namely distillation and reverse osmosis. Titanium tubes in seawater desalination equipment will gradually replace the original copper alloy tubes. Compared with the two, titanium tubes have the following advantages: 1. Under the same operating conditions, the wall thickness of titanium pipe is thinner and the amount of pipe used is less. Generally,nickel titanium wire, the wall thickness of copper alloy pipe is 0. 9mm-1。 2mm; replaced by titanium tube ? Where corrosion is low, the available wall thickness is 0. 5mm thin-walled tube. And 2,3d titanium wire, the titanium tube has good thermal conductivity. The thermal conductivity of titanium is 17 W/ (m · K), that of aluminum brass is 100 W/ (m · K), and that of 70/30 cupronickel is 29 W/ (m-k). The thermal conductivity of titanium is the lowest. However, the use of thin-walled titanium tubes, titanium tubing price ,titanium seamless tube, although the thermal conductivity is worse than that of aluminum brass, is comparable to that of 90/10 cupronickel and better than that of 70/30 cupronickel. And 3, the cost performance of the titanium tube is higher. The price of titanium tube can be compared with that of copper alloy tube. Because of the low density of titanium, the mass of titanium tube with the same length is only 50% of that of copper alloy tube when the wall thickness of titanium tube is the same. When the wall thickness of titanium pipe is 50% of that of Copper alloy tube, the mass of titanium pipe with the same heat transfer area is only 1/4 of that. It can be seen that titanium tubes are competitive in terms of price. And 4, the service life of the titanium tube is longer. Because the seawater is often mixed with sediment and marine organisms, they attach to the heat transfer tube and the tube end, which will erode the copper alloy tube, and the copper alloy will also be corroded by Br- in the seawater. However, in use, the hydrogen introduced from the external environment is called external hydrogen, specifically, active hydrogen atoms are generated on the surface of the metal through the following ways, and then enter the metal: (1) Titanium equipment is placed in a medium containing molecular hydrogen,titanium tubing price, such as a high temperature hydrogen atmosphere. (2) Hydrogen produced by general corrosion or local corrosion of titanium is absorbed by titanium. For example, crevice corrosion is often accompanied by hydrogen absorption. (3) Hydrogen produced when titanium and electronegative metals are subject to galvanic corrosion or cathodic protection. The latter two kinds of hydrogen embrittlement caused by electrochemical corrosion of the cathode are more frequent and can occur without high temperature and high pressure, which should be paid more attention to. Return to Sohu to see more Responsible Editor:. yunchtitanium.com


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